Sunday, October 25, 2009

Steamed pumpkin cake

It has been a long time since I have eaten my mum's cooked pumpkin cake. It's a traditional Asian way of cake which is using rice flour. So, I am kind of miss it and thinking of making one myself. However, I do not have the right time and ingredient for the cake. It seems quite difficult for me to get a pumpkin at Sainsbury's and Tesco here in the UK.

Finally, I saw pumpkins display in the Sainsbury's store in the Paddington train station. Immediately, I had decided to buy a pumpkin and make the pumpkin cake myself. So, I travelled back to Stratford with a pumpkin in my orange Sainsbury's bag. It was a hardwork to carry a pumpkin with some groceries and at the same time having a bagpack with laptop and cabin luggage.

First thing before I started the "baking" is a recipe, my mum's recipe, which unfortunately I didn't manage to get in on time. Only got it this morning. I got the recipe from a google search, which is quite similar to my mum's recipe.

I started the work for pumpkin cake on Friday night. (which I should plan for some party) It was a whole night works, which took me about a few hours. However the outcome was somehow satisfied aside of lacking the pumpkin taste. Probably it's the type of pumpkin that I bought. However, this is still temporary satisfy my crave for the pumpkin cake.

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